Last Thursday, 27th October, the Old Operating Theatre turned 60 and, for that day only, waived the usual £7.50 entrance fee so that visitors were able to enjoy the atmospheric and informative museum at no charge. From displays of herbs that hark back to the space's original use as a herb garret to 19th century surgical equipment and profiles of the surgeons who used them, there is lots to explore. As an added bonus, a fun Halloween-themed quiz, with decorated pumpkins at various stations throughout the museum offer clues to assist participants in guessing the mystery illnesses described.
The Old Operating Theatre has enough gore and macabre details to capture young people's attention and it is all crammed into quirkingly-cluttered space accessible only by an extremely narrow circular stairway. A treat for young and old alike but most likely especially appealing to teens and tweens! It's quite close to London Bridge and the Shard and a convenient stop to combine with lunch in Borough Market. Here is their website in case you want more details: Enjoy!